Moscow Traffic
The Russian “Godfather”

Mario Puzo brought you the Sicilian Godfather. Now acclaimed author Juliette Engel brings you the
Russian “Godfather.” Moscow Traffic is an international thriller that lays bare a vast Russian crime
family through the eyes of Seattle forensic psychologist Peter Stone. Peter regards himself as an
ordinary American until he travels to Moscow in search of his missing lover, opera star Caroline
Luke. On his hero’s journey to find Caroline and discover himself, Peter crosses paths with victims of
human trafficking, buyers and sellers of the stolen riches of Russia, saints, ghosts and thieves as the
borders of morality and reality blur in a society tormented by its past and fearful of the future. Peter
must confront the mystery of his family’s twisted past and its role in the crime that has caused so
much pain to Caroline. In a world where nothing is what it seems and only the most adaptable
survive, Peter and Caroline must undergo the unearthing of long-hidden secrets that threaten their